Mbah Vijay. Gambar tema oleh MichaelJay. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.

Aplikasi Handphone

Daftar aplikasi handphone dan fungsinya:
1. Symbian
- SMSguard, untuk menyembunyikan SMS/kotak masuk
- Blackballer, untuk memblokir panggilan/sms rahasia.
- UltraMP3, player MP3.
- File Explorer
2. Java
- Operamini, browser internet favorit
- Google maps, link google maps utk melihat peta dari HP.
- game


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Isi/Content SMS bukan tanggung jawab kami

Rabu, 20 April 2011

bikin pop up

latian aja koq
KLIK untuk melihat Demo "Hargagrosir"! (popup window)

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Yg lain dari Ghubhugreyot

Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

General - Where to get help

It's bad enough that you're having trouble with Blogger, but when you can't even figure out where to look for help, it's even worse. Never fear, there are some places to look.

First, if you think it's a problem with Blogger, and not just that you are having trouble figuring out how to use it, log it in, with a subject line that will tell someone what the basic problem is at a glance. Even if you are a Free user and it tells you that they probably won't respond, do it anyway, just in case someone glances at the subjects and notices that a couple dozen users have reported the same problem with Free Blogger in the last five minutes.

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